about us

Trash Goblin

IT Witch

Trash Goblin

A published horror author, editor, and house spouse with AuDHD, the Trash Goblin unfortunately grew up in the lonely suburbs of Missouri. Their hobbies are writing queer gothic horror and fantasy, cooking, and playing video games with the IT Witch. They can’t bake to save their life, but they keep trying.

Once an adventurous zookeeper who researched bats in Nicaragua and studied abroad in Japan, the Trash Goblin now struggles with social anxiety and autoimmune issues. Moving overseas will be a great opportunity for them to regain their self confidence and work on their health.

IT Witch

A self described ‘technology fanatic’ with a successful career in information technology, the IT Witch spent most of her life in Winnipeg, Canada before returning to the US. Active in the local queer community, she served for two years as a facilitator for a trans-femme support group. She enjoys photography (digital and 35mm film), Instagram videos, and Disney films.

The IT Witch is excited to move back abroad, though she would have liked more time to prepare. She is especially thrilled for the chance to visit Disneyland Paris.

Dairy is her arch-nemesis.


Age 15


Age 12


Age 1.5

Why Spain?

  • LGBTQ friendly

  • Universal Healthcare

  • Offers Digital Nomad Visa, with option to bring along spouse

  • Affordable cost of living

  • Safety

  • Spanish learning resources

  • Affordable education

  • Public Transportation

  • Travel opportunities

  • Great food